
Supposing that the user was correctly authenticated (they entered a valid username and password), the Auth server will inform the Client (consumer application) by sending a GET request to callback defined via cockpit, adding two parameters,

  • code: code with which to get the access_token
  • expires: time in seconds that the code is valid

Using code parameter, and the method described in this page the consumer application, can exchange an access token from that code.

Endpoint URL:

 POST https://{}/oauth2/token

Request parameters:

grant_typeThe value must be set to authorization_codestring
codethe code that is obtained in the authentication process from the your callback URL.string
client_idIdentifier of the client application.string
client_secretSecret of the client application.string
redirect_uriCallback URL previously registered via cockpit panel in your app’s settings.string

cURL request example


Finally, if everything is ok, the Auth server will respond with the access_token and the following data:

    • access_token: token with which to access the user’s private information.
    • expires_in: seconds that the access_token takes to expire after it is generated.
    • expires_at: date in milliseconds (from 1-1-1970) on which the access_token expires.
    • refresh_token: token with which to get a new access_token once it has expired.
    • login_status: Login status node of a user.
    • uid: internal identifier of the user.
    • connect_state: The login state of a user (connected, not connected, unknown).
    • scope: (optional), the scope would specify the section to which access is sought.

Error codes

The possible errors in this step (according to the specification) are:

  • invalid_request
  • unsupported_grant_type
  • invalid_client
  • invalid_scope