Registration features

Characteristics available for your integrated site

Delegated registration

Allows agencies to create registration & login flows legally verified and 100% secured in minutes, no more coding hours spent on integrating webservices and customizing forms. Avoid becoming an expert of social providers & legal requirements…

Social login and registration

Get qualified and accurate information of the database without disturbing consumers with annoying registration forms. Facebook & Twitter registration/login are automatically available for your app integrated with DRUID.

Complete your account feature

The more fields requested in the registration form, the worse for registration goals. That’s why it’s very important to require fields only when necessary. DRUID allows you to configure registration forms with minimum fields, reducing abandon rates, and then request more fields to the user only when it’s appropiate.

Phone confirmation via SMS

Decide if you want to configure the confirm user transaction via SMS or email.

Single sign-on & off

Provide richer user experience maintaining login state across multiple domains, avoiding password fatigue and reducing implementation costs.

Responsive interfaces

All DRUID screens are implemented using liquid layout and provides an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices (mobile phones, tablets and desktop devices).

Transactional email delivery -only with the best-

Talking about emails, if we elaborated a ranking based on user experience impact, transactional emails should never fail. DRUID registration service is fully integrated with Mandrill, the best industry service for delivering, tracking and managing registration emails. Your registration emails will start to be sent by Mandrill automatically as soon as you are integrated with DRUID.

Improved security & authorization

Not only your Company’s security standards are covered. DRUID is OAuth 2 protocol based, an industry authorization mechanism between users, apps and APIs.