The PHP SDK enables developers to implement a rich set of server-side functionality for accessing DRUID API.

With the SDK you can implement an integration in a few hours. The SDK´s are wrapping all oAuth process, and mostly all the API calls needed to integrate with.

By removing the need to manage access tokens manually, the SDK greatly simplifies the process of authentication and authorizing users for your app.

The SDK enables to implement operations as a Client (app integrated with), such as get Client credentials, obtain Users Data, get profile pic, and operations as a User, such as check logged user, log-in user…

We’ve published all of the SDK methods with examples ready to use. It will help you, once you’ve downloaded the SDK to check how everything should work in your integration. You have the source code of the examples available for download.


Setting up php environment with Docker

When you will finish reading the installing instructions, you will be able to install the library in your project of your environment.

See the link above for more info.

Getting started

When you will finish reading the installing instructions, you will be able to install the library in your project of your environment.

See the link above for more info.

SDK examples

With the examples provided, you will be able to perform most of the features available in the SDK, such as login and registration operations, use User API wrapper to obtain data, Query Profile image wrapper and other operations.

SDK reference

The PHP SDK source code is public and downloable for everyone. The description of classes, methods and params are based on PHPDoc and provided with the code. For your easy reference, we have published an online SDK reference.