Our tagline makes it very clear:
CIAM Mastery and Beyond.
Identity management solutions They should NOT focus exclusively on the security level, providing the layers of Identity, Authentication, Authorization and leading the change towards a safer and passwordless These capabilities are already beginning to be a comodity and any company that maintains relationships with its target audiences (no matter the sector) that does not have them in mind, cannot really be embarking on a true digital transformation.
Our vocation starts from identity and concludes in efficient activation. That’s why we strive every day to provide high-value layers that make life easier for the CRM, Relationship Marketing, Media and Loyalty teams. A clear example is with DruID’s native features for the generation and redemption of incentives sent to consumers. Having all the power of an incentive engine integrated with identity simplifies life, makes us more agile, saves costs and increases redemption rates. The same happens with the capacity to generate promotional mechanics in a super fast way integrated with the identity: “Participate and enter the Sweepstakes”, “Winning Moment”, “Get in and Get your Prize” or “Win more points if you bring your friends (MGM)” are basic mechanics that applied in an efficient way, generate value and return to the companies.
Less development, less combinations of 4 or more products, and more security and identity natively integrated with relationship marketing capabilities Let’s kick it!

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