Activate  your users with con  ,CONSUMER REWARDS

Consumer Rewards es una funcionalidad de DRUID que permite activar a tus consumidores a través de incentivos. Un sistema integrado para generar, entregar, rastrear y canjear incentivos eficientemente.


With the ability to activate your users with any type of incentive, being able to know the redemptions of these incentives within an integrated system, getting an important competitive advantage. Forget about asking external companies to generate incentives and then give you the data. With this module you add value to your company and agencies. Consumer Rewards is an integrated platform able to generate and redeem incentives, knowing in real time which consumer has been awarded, where and who has redeemed the incentive.

Consumer Rewards

Consumer Rewards is a native DRUIDmodule. It’s available from the Administration Cockpit panel From it you can do all the management duties and codes creation You can configure the number of packages and codes, restrictions such as expiration dates, maximum number of uses and users, and have a preview of each incentive as well.

The Consumer Rewards module has other capabilities that allow you to know the status of the codes delivered. Additionally, all users have their incentives available within their private DRUID area, with the possibility of sharing them via email or downloading them into their Passbook.

Consumer Rewards provides a Web/App called Rewarder, that allows to the authorized and authenticated personnel to redeem incentives at points of sale or activation.

Rewarder (Web/App)

Rewarder is a Web/App available in Consumer Rewards that allows credentialed authorized users to use the mobile device camera to read the codes that are generated in DRUID.

The user journey is simple and takes only few steps. Beginning with the registration of a consumer at DRUID to participate in a promotion or offer. After registration or login, the user receives a code in real time that can be exchanged for an incentive at the point of sale or place of the event, locating the authorized personnel (or physical device) that performs the reading and validation of the code delivered.

Rewarder makes it possible to complete the entire code management cycle without the need for technological dependencies on third parties, in an agile and simple manner, minimizing costs, implementation risks and guaranteeing the success of marketing actions at sale point, loyalty and monetization of the user base.



Scalable The code creation and management is flexible. It allows you to create different code packages with different purposes and adapted to any type of dynamic, whether promotions, discounts, gifts, accesses or data exchange, identifying exactly the users who participate.

Integrated. It includes the entire life cycle, from the creation of codes, configuration, sending and to the reading and recording of the redemption via Rewarder. Also, the user will always have his codes available in his private area, accessible from any of the brand’s digital contact points.

Measurable. All user activity is stored, knowing, at all times, what incentive has changed, when it has changed, in what place and who has registered the redemption. The codes are associated with the user’s unique ID, which allows you to increase your profile and know your interest in POS actions.

Do you use incentives in your loyalty strategy? We simplify your life by optimizing management procedures and your ROI to the highest level


DRUID is the ideal solution to develop your omnichannel STRATEGY omni channel successfully. INTEGRATE your entire digital ecosystem, CONSOLIDATE your consumer information and CUSTOMIZE your experiences.

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